Saturday, June 12, 2010

Do babies smell bad? I guess it depends on the baby. [Day 7]

The people at work like to walk around the office and share candy and other food. So far I've had chocolate, squid jerky, two kinds of Korean candy, and seaweed. It's hit or miss, but it's still a nice way to get to know co-workers.

Apparently our bosses aren't giving us a lot of work because it's the hospitable thing to do here for foreigners. Honestly, I'm loving the free time, but I'd also like to get some more experience working on a publication with such a wide audience. Seeing as this is a 7-day week, I'll go with the flow and not ask for too much more, but I hope the flow picks up a bit next week. In the meantime, I've had plenty of time to read blogs and articles about news in China, Chinese culture, and things to do in Beijing. I recommend going to my Twitter and checking a few out.

It was definitely a "rice-and-dumpling kind of day" at the cafeteria. I guess that's better than a "rice kind of day." That's the term I made up for when everything tastes so bad, that white rice is the only thing I'm willing to eat more than a bite of. The dumplings are amazing, when they have them. If we ever get the stove to work at our apartment, I'm for sure buying some for dinners at home.

I did something that I never saw myself doing while I was on "summer vacation" in China… I joined a gym! I pretty much was talked into it because all of my roommates were joining. It cost 409 kuai (about US$60) for a 3-month membership. It has pretty nice cardio machines, weights, a room for table tennis, classes, and a bar/billiards room. I think Annie and I are doing yoga tonight. I'm thinking, what the hay, I don't care if I make a fool of myself in front of these people… we don't speak the same language, and I won't see them after a couple of months.

We stayed in last night, and I got to know my roommates, or as I like to call us, the cast of The Real World: Beijing, over some brewskis and game 1 of the World Cup. That's where the title for this blog came from. (If anyone was wondering what the titles of my posts mean, which assumes that someone is reading this, they're funny quotes from the day. I can explain any of them if you'd like, but they're more fun to just look back on and laugh).

More Beijing 101:

-The most popular items sold on the street seem to be socks and headphones. I have NO idea why.
-Rain is a peculiar phenomenon here. It'll be raining, but you can't see any clouds, just gray skies.

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